Social media pros & cons |S7E10 | Dr. Aflred Jose
Dr. Alfred is an internationally certified life coach, an author and, a CEO. He talked about the pros and cons of social media. He said millennials nowadays are killing most of their time on social media, he thinks this is the prime reason for the failure of most people in the 21st century.
He gave some valuable tips to our viewers especially gen z/y on how they can decide what is right and wrong for themselves, he gave an example of himself of how he notes down all his work in a diary daily. He believes that writing down things not only helps you to improve as a person but also helps you to avoid your mistakes.
He believes that reading is the best way to gain knowledge. Reading broadens our imagination by stimulating the right side of our brain. It opens our minds to new possibilities and new ideas
He also talked about mental health he thinks it is one of the most important topics nowadays. He said bullying and torturing others virtually(via social media) is a punishable crime that people should be aware of
In the end, he thanked Turiya Talks for covering his topic.
"Just stay focused in whatever you do in your life" were his last few words on the talk show.
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