TuriyaTalks S3E7 : Eat Right, Look Good, Feel Great

Ever heard of the saying- “Food is the most abused anxiety drug. Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant.”? Well, you may have or have not but anyway if you have doubts on how to enjoy healthy eating and exercising which otherwise seem to be a difficult target to achieve, the seventh episode of TuriyaTalks season 3 will help you get inspired and tighten your shoelaces as Dr. Vikash Prakash and Dr. Dolly Gupta, engage in a dynamic interaction with our co-founder Sandhya Sutodia on the topic – Eat Right, Look Good, Feel Great.

We have been sailing through a difficult time during the pandemic and it has put down drastic effects on our health, both mentally and physically. Dr. Vikash Prakash, who is an expert Consultant in Liver and Gastrointestinal diseases said, "Being at home for a prolonged period has made our body physically inactive and has brought up a rise in cholesterol and an increase in weight, we should follow a healthy diet containing vitamin C, D, Iron and Zinc which helps us in building immunity."  In fact, having a balanced diet is really important because it’s not just a short-term diet, it’s actually a long-term positive lifestyle change and so we must always look at the bigger picture!

The other guest, Celebrity Dermatologist and Hair Transplant Surgeon, Dr. Dolly Gupta added, "There are several reasons such as hormonal imbalance, stress is one of the root causes for hair fall and acne." The problem is that people consult a doctor only after experiencing symptoms of hair fall or skin rashes because they get concerned only after going through that particular phase.  But why do they always forget that prevention is better than cure? They have to be proactive, especially when it comes to maintaining their own health and well-being. She also told that there are different combinations of skin types in the same family, the product which works for your skin, might not work for your sister’s skin! Various reputed products are available in the market but they might not suite as the skin type of an individual varies from one another, so decisions for proper skincare routine should be taken accordingly and in fact, it can also change according to seasons, meaning that summer skincare routine is different from that of winter because of the varying climate conditions and temperatures.

Talking about the overuse of sanitizers during the pandemic for keeping our hands clean, Dr. Gupta said sanitizers only work for the COVID-19 virus when the alcohol content is more than 70% but alcohol reacts to our skin and many people therefore develops rashes. So to control that, one must use moisturizers according to their skin type and use gentle soaps. Also there is no need of frequent handwashing if you have not gone out or come in contact with a person from outside. In the end, Dr. Dolly added “We should wash our hands with gentle soap and minimize the use of sanitizers when we are at home.”

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