TuriyaTalks S5E16 with Vayjayanti Pugalia: WICCI Life Skills Council of West Bengal – The Blueprint
The guest of the 16th episode of TuriyaTalks, Season 5 was Ms. Vayjayanti Pugalia, the president, Life Skills Council of West Bengal, Women's Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WICCI), accompanied by the host Sandhya Sutodia of Turiya Communications. The session was held on 14th October on the topic ‘WICCI Life Skills Council of West Bengal-The Blueprint’.
The conversation initiated by interpreting the mission of WICCI. According to Ms.Vayjayanti, WICCI is a premier All-India National Women’s Chamber empowering women entrepreneurs and leaders in all walks of life through advocacy, pro-active representations to government, implementing projects for women via funds allocated by various government agencies and corporates, plus bringing awareness on all issues that concern women in their workplace. The organization is dedicated to inspiring women to achieve success and economic independence through business creation and self-employment, growing one’s voice, influence, and impact in the economy and society.
"Women in India contribute just 17% of the national GDP compared to its global percentage value which is nearly 40%", Mrs.Vayjayanti affirmed while narrating the vision that WICCI is focussed at. She organized the first summit on transgenders in India, The Third Eye to promote entrepreneurship amongst this community. She acknowledged the role of WICCI in spreading awareness on domestic violence and related issues concerning women, especially during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. She also highlighted the major role women entrepreneurs can play to revive the economy after the downfall caused by the pandemic.
The session concluded with several recommendations for women from Ms. Vayjayanti to empower themselves to become independent and self-sufficient. She praised the efforts of our co-founder Ms.Sandhya Sutodia in establishing our innovative and creative marketing agency,Turiya Communications LLP.
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