TuriyaTalks S6 E15 with Biswajit Matilal:

TuriyaTalks S6 E15 with Biswajit Matilal: "Effective Communications Is The Urgent Need Of The Hour".

For the fifteenth episode of Turiya Talks Season 6, the very renowned Biswajit Matilal was invited to discuss on how “Effective communication is the need of the hour” with the host of the show, Sandhya Sutodia, Co-Founder of Turiya Communications. Mr. Matilal is a noted media academic and reputed PR professional. He was a senior journalist with The Statesman and also the Vice-President of Corporate Communication, M P Birla Group. Being a person with a field experience over five decades, he was the perfect man for the conversation.

Mr. Matilal began with stating that “attention” is the prime necessity in communication. He stated how a message should be crisp. “KISSS” theory, as he calls it, “Keep It Short, Simple and Specific.” According to him, pandemic has proven that either you “Communicate or perish.” as lockdown would have been depressing and lonely without friends and family. Certain areas of current media conditions of the country were also touched when he spoke of the greed which exists in the media world. He also gave a sting to the media community by mentioning a division in journalism as “Selfie journalists” and “Selfless Journalists.” 

“Facebook and Google have such a control over their users which was never seen in the recent history”, he stated, advising to have a control on ourselves.
In the concluding note, he blessed Turiya Communications and Turiya Talks for its initiative and asked them to try and always stay in the limelight as “out of sight means out of mind.”

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