Here Is a Complete Guide to LinkedIn Live!

Here Is a Complete Guide to LinkedIn Live!

Since being acquired by Microsoft for $26.2 billion back in 2016, social media platform LinkedIn has transformed itself from a corporate resume-led networking site to a vibrant B2B hub where professionals and entrepreneurs can share ideas, expand their reach and connect. Currently, the social media platform boasts over 560 million users in more than 200 countries.

Following the success of live streaming on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, on February 22, 2019, LinkedIn launched its live video service – LinkedIn Live – a feature that lets brands and marketers communicate with their audience in real-time. Although it has been there for almost more than a year now, however, relatively few people know about it and fewer businesses are using it.

So if you are one of them, here is a complete guide on this video feature!

What Is LinkedIn Live?

Think of it like Facebook Live, with a more professional twist!

LinkedIn Live is the social platform’s live-streaming option that allows marketers and brands to broadcast real-time videos and engage with large and small groups. Users go through a variety of third-party streaming tools to create their content, which is then broadcasted to their LinkedIn network. Whereas, viewers can like the video during the broadcast and ask the host questions in real-time.

How to use LinkedIn Live?

Streaming to LinkedIn Live is not available to everyone, even if you are already a member. Before you can go live on the platform, you need to apply for access either by filling out an online form (if you want to stream as a LinkedIn member) or by arranging it with your LinkedIn Marketing Solutions rep (if you want to stream as a page). 

Once you are approved, you will receive an email that will direct you toward the approved streaming platforms you can use. Choose the one that best suits your needs and sign up for an account. Then connect that service to your LinkedIn account. From there, log into your streaming tool and start your live video.

To create your first LinkedIn Live video, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Make sure you have at least two devices available before you stream.

You will need one for streaming the video, and one for monitoring live comments.

Step 2: Sign up for a third-party broadcasting tool to create your video.

For those just getting started, you can try Socialive and Switcher Studio for broadcasting.

Step 3: Authenticate your LinkedIn account using the tool.

Also, synchronize it to the phone, tablet, or device you are planning to stream from.

Step 4: Test your internet connection.

You will need an upload speed of at least three Mbps, or your video will not stream properly. Use a tool like to check, and plug in an Ethernet cable if your signal is too weak.

Step 5: Get support.

It can be hard to keep up with live comments while you are talking. Ask a colleague to log onto LinkedIn and monitor your stream for you. Your partner should receive a notification as soon as you start streaming. They can also find your video on the “recent activity” tab of your page. 

Engage viewers by liking and replying to comments as you stream or have your colleague reply to user comments for you if possible. Otherwise, ask them to write down the best questions on a piece of paper. That way, you can reply once you have time to catch your breath.

Step 6: Start streaming.

Now that you have got your support system and equipment set up, push the broadcast button on the third-party tool to start streaming. Make sure you have contact information for the third party’s support team on hand. You do not want any technical issues interrupting the stream!

Step 7: To stop streaming, hit the end broadcast button.

LinkedIn will post your video on your Recent Activity or Page feed after you are done. That way, members who missed it can still access your content.

Ways to Use LinkedIn Live

So, now you know how to create a LinkedIn Live video. But what are the ways you can this video feature, though? Read on to know all about it!

1. Answer Questions

One of the main things that set LinkedIn Live apart from standard video posts is the ability to interact with people in real-time. If you get many questions from customers or followers on the platform, host a live stream to answer them for your entire audience.

2. Showcase Special Events

If you host or attend any special industry events, LinkedIn Live can be a perfect way to share the experience with followers. It can make people want to attend or share valuable information from the sessions or panellists.

3. Introduce Team Members

Your followers may feel more comfortable interacting with your team if they can put faces with names. Use live video to show off your employees through quick Q&As or introductions where each person shares some fun facts.

4. Show Off Workplace Culture

LinkedIn can be a very effective tool for bringing new talent into your organization. Livestreaming can help you give people a behind the scenes view of your office or work site, which could make it a more appealing destination.

5. Announce New Products or Services

Want to get people excited about a big announcement for your business? Go live to make your announcement. You can also promote the launch with extra posts leading up to the big reveal.

6. Demonstrate Products or Services

For businesses that offer products or services that may need a bit of explanation, a live stream can be the perfect format. Demonstrating how to use it in a video lets them see how everything works first-hand. Also, since you are live, they can ask questions or interact with you throughout the process in case something is not especially clear.

This may be a worthwhile strategy for companies that offer software tools or related products with many different features to go over.

7. Discuss Industry Issues

LinkedIn can be a very valuable place to make connections in your industry and establish yourself as an expert. Going live to discuss the trending topic of the day in your specific field can help you start conversations with other professionals and give you some credibility on a variety of relevant subjects.

8. Interview Industry Experts

If you can connect with others who have a lot of influence in your industry or with your target customer base, interviewing them in a live stream could be a very effective strategy. The insights they share are likely to be valuable to your audience. Besides, they might share it with their followers as well, allowing you to increase your reach even more.

9. Share Tips or Tutorials

Tutorials and How-Tos are some of the most popular formats for online video because they share actionable tips to help people accomplish a specific goal. On LinkedIn, your tutorials should probably be geared toward a B2B audience. Therefore, you might consider topics like helping people set up an account on a new advertising platform or editing photos for social media.

10. Start Recurring Series

In any live streaming format, you are likely to get more viewers if people can anticipate your content. Instead of just going live on a whim now and then, start a series that goes live at the same time every week or month. Besides, remember to promote it in the days leading up to the stream. This gives people a better chance to be logged on when you go live, especially on a platform like LinkedIn where people probably are not checking in constantly.

The Bottom Line

A live video is a form of content that is getting more and more attention, as it is immediate, available, and engaging as compared to other types of content. Every social network knows it and offers live streaming services. Even the last holdout, LinkedIn, caved in when it released LinkedIn Live.

For you, that means you can serve content to your professional network in a new and interesting way. Because it is still LinkedIn, though, you will have to make sure to post content that is appropriate for the network. Moreover, if you do not get a hang of it, you can easily contact us and we will help you with it!

At Turiya Communications, we can efficiently manage your LinkedIn presence alongside your other social channels. Contact us today or visit our website to know more!

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