Understanding the Basics of On-Page SEO

Understanding the Basics of On-Page SEO

No matter how great your website is, how cool your social media is, or how flattering your photographs are, without proper SEO – it makes no difference. Hence, when it comes to promoting your business, this is that one area that you need to focus on to ensure its long-term success. And more often than not, when someone talks about improving their SEO, they mean on-page SEO.

So in this blog, we are going to talk about the basics of on-page SEO and why it is important to do so!

What is On-Page SEO?

The practice of optimizing web pages to earn organic traffic and improve a website’s rankings in the search engine results pages is called as On-page SEO (also known as On-Site SEO). It includes optimizing a page’s HTML, internal links, and metadata (meta title, meta description, and keyword density) along with posting high-quality, relevant content and images.

In basic terms, On-Page SEO involves several elements that help make your site more search engine friendly. Not only does it helps attract a certain amount of online traffic, but it also allows you to measure the performance and success rate of the campaign. 

On-Page v/s Off-Page SEO: What are their differences?

Just like the On-Page SEO, there are ranking factors for search engines that lie outside of the site owner’s control; this is called Off-Page SEO. Aspects like backlinks from external sites, social media, brand mentions, and shares could have a direct or non-direct effect on a site’s rankings in the SERP.

Whereas, On-page SEO depends on the actual content of the page, which includes anything within the website that can fall into the realm of potentially affecting SEO – this includes text, metadata, multi-media content, HTML code, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

Either way, this is the area of focus for search engines, which means it should be the prime focus of any SEO marketing strategy.

Why do on-page SEO?

While various online marketing channels are now available, SEO is still one of the most widely utilised methods. You might hear some people say SEO is dead or outdated, which is the opposite of the situation right now. SEO is still the most widely used method to redirect targeted traffic to websites.

On-page SEO helps search engines to analyse your website as well as the content connected to it so that it can identify the relevancy of a searcher’s query to your site. Google is frequently updating its algorithm so that it can better understand a searcher’s intent and deliver search results that meet that user’s needs. As Google’s algorithm develops, so should your website.

Hence, it is essential that your website and its content, including what is visible to users (such as media, content, images) and what is visible to search engines (such as metadata, HTML), are optimized to the latest practices used by companies like Google and Bing. In this way, search engines can understand your website and how to rank it.

Further, SEO represents one of the most common digital marketing strategies, and it remains super popular because of its reliable return-on-investment. On-page SEO offers the best ROI in comparison to nearly any digital marketing strategy due to its relatively low-cost and long-term benefits that can help a website grow and bring in passive traffic for years on end. As much as half of all website traffic comes from search engines like Google or Bing, this means that close to 40% of online revenue comes from search traffic as well.

Hence, whether you have a big or small business, it is essential to optimize a website’s on-page SEO. In its absence, your site could miss out on opportunities to rank for search queries specific to your business.

How to Optimise Your On-Page SEO?

Getting to grips with SEO does not have to be scary or overwhelming. With a few simple tweaks, your website will have you at the top of the rankings in no time. Here are some tips to enhance your on-page SEO and ensure a boost to your business:

  1. Know your keywords

Keywords are the secret to SEO. Including the right phrases in the right place can make a substantial difference to your results. You must ensure that your content is targeted to your intended audience and that your chosen keywords are distributed throughout the piece. 

Making a list of the keywords and keyword phrases that will be relevant and create a separate web page for each could prove to be useful in the future. Trying to stuff too many keywords into a single page could be unproductive, so provide your site with the space it needs for success. For favourable results, make sure your keywords are located in the best places; headers, URLs, and page titles are all excellent for boosting your ranking.

  1. Create your content

Good quality content is a detrimental factor of good SEO and offers you a chance to appeal to your preferred customer base. You must make sure that your articles and content are authoritative; your audience needs to see you as the source for ultimate insight into your chosen product. 

A good tactic is to convince them that you have the solution to their issues. Expertise of this kind makes other sites much more likely to link to your site. Your content needs to be interesting, engaging, and unique, thus giving your audience a good reason to stick around. 

  1. Fix those links

You must ensure that all the links in your website are working and that all navigation menus are up and running. Make sure to include plenty of links to your site for greater impact and also check if they are all functioning correctly.

Since a faulty or broken site may frustrate your visitors and harm your rankings, it is important to check both internal and external links. It is also essential to make the most of your links; use keywords or other useful information, and make the most of each word.

  1. Alt tags are your friends

In order to boost your site, you must ensure that your non-text aspects are optimized for better “searchability”. Hence, alt text or alt tags are important as these are the tags that are attached to any image you use on your page and comprise of short descriptions of the picture.

Alt tags will be used by any “web crawlers” on a search engine to identify the image. So, make sure that your text here is fully optimized, with a keyword included where possible. Your file names should also be descriptive, and again, use a keyword where you can.

  1. The magic of meta

Along with the main body of your content, you must also take care of the details. Elements like meta title and meta description will show up in a Google search. A metatag is the text of the link and the ‘blurb-like’ description.

Make sure the keyword is in here – this tells the search engine how the page should be classified, and where it should go in the rankings. This is a crucial step to complete. Nailing your metatags can shoot you to the top of page one in no time!

The Bottom Line

Without a SEO strategy, your website might get pushed down in the search results. This is a big part of why many companies hire an SEO agency, and the world of search marketing has grown to represent approximately $79 billion.

For complete on-page SEO services, contact us at Turiya Communications. As a full-service digital marketing agency, our team will create and implement an on-page SEO strategy for your website that converts. Contact us today or visit our website https://www.turiyacommunications.com/ to boost your search rank, get seen, and ultimately, get paid!

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